One Month Plan

Does your student need consistent support?
This plan offers consistency, practice, and improvement on many skills.

Learning comes with consistency, patience, and practice. Seeing your student regularly will ensure skills improve and will allow me to really get involved with their education and learning.

This option allows you, as a parent, to take a step back and enjoy your child without having to stress over helping them with homework regularly.

This is the best option for growth and consistency.

Duration: 4 sessions/month


You will pay once a month for all four sessions: $160/month.


You will pay once a month for all eight sessions: $300/month.

Duration: 8 sessions/month
There are two ways I offer service:

These sessions will be held in my home where a quiet productive space is offered so your student can focus and get individual help. If you choose this option, I will give you all the information during our initial consultation.


I will set up a Zoom meeting, and all your student needs to do is hop on during our scheduled meeting. This can be done in the comfort of your home. This allows us to connect if we are not in the same area as well.

Before the sessions start, we will have a phone conversation with you and your students about what you would like to accomplish during the tutoring session(s). I may ask you to give me access to rubrics, assignments, names of books, or other resources that will allow me to best help your child in the session.

This consultation will be scheduled after we schedule the first tutoring session for no extra charge.